Arief ~Adrianna~ Damia

One step must start each journey.
One tree can start a forest,
One hope will raise our spirits,
One touch can show you care.

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Monday, November 14, 2011


i'm getting older( wink...wink...)


many thanks to my mak and ayah...
yg melahirkan dan membesarkan sy....


my love, incik suami tersayang.....sarangheyyyoooo.....

many thanks sbb tahan dengan seribu macam perangai sy....

sentiasa meng"update"kan sy dgn gadget terkini....
( oh anak2 jangan ikut bahasa rojak mama ni ye )

..............paling suka white rose tu....

Vanilla Ice Cream Cake....

dpt yg baru....many thanks incik suami yang pemurah :)
...masih lagi rindukan kedua2 HP lama sy....

dan yg ni, actually incik suami kata advanced birthday present sbb dapat awal seminggu...
i like....boleh workout kat rumah...sbb mmg dah lama sesangat teringin nak join kelas senamrobik kat luar...tapi...hihiihiihihihi....

happy birthday 2 me....happy birthday 2 me....

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